Cockroach milk four times as nutritious as cow milk – Scientists
Some scientists have made a stunning discovery leading to the propagation that “not only is cockroach milk fast becoming a part of our food chain and diet, it’s even referred to as the super food of the future.” National Daily gathered that an international team of scientists from the Institute of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem) in Bangalore, India, recently discovered the structure of milk protein crystal from the guts of a cockroach species, leading to their conclusion that “It’s more than four times as nutritious as cow’s milk and it could be the key to feeding their growing population in the future.” Leonard Chavas, one of the scientists behind the research and his colleagues examined the species, also known as Diploptera punctata, which is the only specie of cockroach known to be viviparous, able to bring forth live babies that have developed within the mother’s body, instead of the mother laying eggs to develop outside her body. This...
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